Using Wasmer Edge as a CDN

Using Wasmer Edge as a CDN

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Wasmer Edge as a CDN to host your static assets. We'll be using the static-web-server (opens in a new tab)


The project requires the following tools to be installed on your system:

Deploying a Static Site

Install Wasmer

Click here for instructions on how to install Wasmer if you haven't done it already!

Log in into Wasmer

Create a new account in Wasmer (opens in a new tab). Then, log in into the Wasmer CLI and follow the provided steps to provide the CLI access to your Wasmer account.

wasmer login

Initialize the project

We'll initialize the project with the static-site template.

Navigate to the directory where you want to create the project and run the following command:

$ wasmer app create

The above command will give you the following prompt:

App type:
> Static website # Select Static website
  HTTP server
  Browser shell
  JS Worker (experimental)
  Python Application
Who should own this package?: <your-namespace>
No package found or specified.
What should the package be called? It will be published under wasmer: <your-app-name> # This will be the package name of your CDN
What should be the name of the app? <NAME> <your-app-name> # This will be the name of your app
Would you like to publish the app now? no # Select no for now
Writing app config to '/path/to/your/project/app.yaml'
To (re)deploy your app, run 'wasmer deploy'

Select the above configuration mentioned in the comments and press enter.

The above command will initialize a blank project with the following structure.

      • index.html
    • app.yaml
    • wasmer.toml
  • Changing configuration for the CDN

    As you might notice, this project uses the static-web-server package which is a static web server written in Rust.

    Most notably, it supports changing the compression level, cache control, cors, and more. All these configurations can be super useful when configuring a CDN.

    So, let's add a config.toml file in your top level directory for static-web-server's configuration.

    #### Address & Root dir
    host = "::"
    port = 8080
    root = "/app/public" # 👈🏼 Change the root directory to the public directory for static assets

    The above configuration is the default configuration of the static-web-server package. More info about it can be found here (opens in a new tab).

    Now, let's add the following configuration to the wasmer.toml file.

    name = "<your-namespace>/<your-app-name>"
    version = "0.1.0"
    description = "<your-namespace>/<your-app-name> CDN on Wasmer Edge"
    "wasmer/static-web-server" = "^1"
    "/app" = "." # 👈🏼 Add the app directory as a volume mapping it to the root directory
    name = "script"
    module = "wasmer/static-web-server:webserver"
    runner = ""
    [command.annotations.wasi] # 👈🏼 Add config.toml as an argument for the webserver
    main-args = ["-w", "/app/config.toml"]

    Adding files for hosting

    By default the static website template generates a public/index.html, we can remove it if we don't need it (rm public/index.html).

    And now, let's add some images in our public directory to host. I'll be using some free images from unsplash (opens in a new tab).

    This is how the directory structure looks like now:

      • image1.jpg
      • image2.jpg
      • image3.jpg
    • app.yaml
    • wasmer.toml
  • You can also add other files like css, js, videos, pdfs, etc.


    Maximum size of all the files combined should not exceed 500MB.

    Deploying the app

    Now, let's deploy the app.

    $ wasmer deploy

    The above command will prompt you with the following:

    Loaded app from: /path/to/your/dir/app.yaml
    Publish new version of package '<your-namespace>/<your-app-name>'? yes
    Publishing package...
    [1/2] ⬆️   Uploading...
    [2/2] 📦  Publishing...
    Successfully published package `<your-namespace>/<your-app-name>@0.1.0`
    Waiting for package to become available.....
    Package '<your-namespace>/<your-app-name>@0.1.0' published successfully!
    Deploying app <your-namespace>-<your-app-name>...
      App <your-namespace>/<your-namespace>-<your-app-name> was successfully deployed!
    > App URL:
    > Versioned URL:
    > Admin dashboard:
    Waiting for new deployment to become available...
    (You can safely stop waiting now with CTRL-C)
    New version is now reachable at
    Deployment complete

    And now you can view your Static files at the URL mentioned above. You can also view the admin dashboard of your CDN by visiting the URL mentioned above.


    You'll need to do wasmer deploy again if you add any new files to the public directory.


    The url of your project will be different from the one mentioned above.

    Accessing the files

    You can access the files by visiting the URL of your project, followed by the file name.

    For example, if you want to access the image1.jpg file, you can visit the following URL:

    The same goes for other files as well.


    In this tutorial, we learned how to use Wasmer Edge as a CDN using the static-web-server package for hosting your static assets.

    Further Reading