
Wasmer Edge


Wasmer Edge is still under heavy development.

Wasmer Edge is a next-generation cloud platform, built from the ground up to enable the Wasmer vision:

Run, Publish & Deploy any code - anywhere.

Edge harnesses WebAssembly, the Wasmer runtime and WASI(X) to enable secure, scalable and cost-effective global deployments of your applications with minimal operational complexity.

The guiding principles of Wasmer Edge are:

  • Simplicity: Designed to be a joy to use, with a developer-centric workflow and a focus on productivity. For standard use cases, the platform should be trivial to understand, hiding all underlying complexity from the user.
  • Power: Ease of use should not imply a limited feature set. Edge aims to enable complex deployment scenarios that can currently only be fulfilled by complicated systems like Kubernetes or the large cloud providers.
  • Security: WebAssembly enables secure, sandboxed execution of untrusted code, without the burden of additional emulation layers like containers or virtual machines. Users can define tightly scoped, fine-grained permissions to limit the attack surface of their applications.
  • Scalability: Applications scale seamlessly, all the way from zero up to serving millions of requests per second, or running thousands of concurrent instances, empowered by WebAssembly's small footprint and fast startup time. The core platform itself is also designed to scale seamlessly, from a single server to large, globally distributed clusters.
  • Resilience: Outages are a common occurrence today, even for the largest cloud providers. Edge is designed around a shared nothing architecture. Each server can continue to operate independently, without relying on any shared services, which also means your workloads are shielded from larger outages.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: WebAssembly enables much more resource-effective startup, scaling and operation than traditional container and virtualization technologies. We aim to pass down these benefits to our users, and provide extremely competitive pricing.

Status of Wasmer Edge

  • Alpha: Missing features and bugs to fix, not ready for production usage, breaking changes should be rare but can occur
  • Beta: Stable APIs, last bugs are being fixed and last features are being added
  • General Availability: Cloud version available for production usage
  • Open Source: Open Source version available for creating your own servers and using it on-premise


The current early access version comes with a limited set of features.

Many additional features are planned, some of them coming really soon!

Available Features

  • Run stateless, auto-scaled WebAssembly HTTP apps:
    You can use proxy or to run web servers in the edge. WCGI mode to run web servers in the edge. If you are interested about TCP/UDP, please reach us so we can enable it for you.
  • Automatic scaling:
    Workloads will be served by the Wasmer Edge network, on the servers closest to the user, and will scale automatically to meet the demand.
  • Auto-domains and aliases:
    Each deployed app will be reachable through a unique URL, [NAME].wasmer.app. You can also configure additional aliases.
  • Versioned deployments and rollback:
    App deployment versions are tracked. You can always access previous versions though a special URL, and rollback to previous versions with a single CLI command or click. You can also publish preview-versions and test them before switching them to active.
  • Custom domains with automatic SSL:
    You can configure custom domains and subdomains for your applications. SSL certificates will automatically be provisioned and renewed for you.
  • Remote Sessions:
    Interactive remote shell environments, via wasmer ssh.

Features in Development

Persistent workloads

Apps are stateless and auto-scaled by default, which is great for scalability and cost-effectiveness, but sometimes you need to run a persistent workload that keep running, even with no requests coming in.

Persistent workloads will enable you to provision a fixed number of instances that are kept alive by the edge runtime.

Persistent volumes

Stateless apps are great for scalability, but eventually the state needs to live somewhere. You will be able to create persistent volumes, and mount these volumes into your workloads.

Private network:

Create secure, private networks to connect your workloads globally. Powered by DNET;

Scheduled tasks / cronjobs:

Running tasks at a certain interval is a common requirement. You will be able to configure scheduled invocation of your apps at a given interval. The web UI and CLI will allow inspecting logs and success status of the task runs.

First Steps

To start using Wasmer Edge, check out the Getting Started guide.

To understand how the platform works, check out the Architecture documentation.