
wasmer app and wasmer deploy CLI

Wasmer provides you with commands in their CLI to deploy and manage your applications on the edge.


Wasmer has two main commands for deploy:

  • wasmer app
  • wasmer deploy

Note: You must be logged in to Wasmer to use the app and deploy commands.

wasmer app

It allows the user to:

  • Create an app
  • Get information about an app
  • List all of their apps

wasmer app create

This command is used to create an app that will be deployed on the edge.

This further provides you with options:

  1. Use an existing package, like a static-web-server for static website.
  2. Create your own custom app from scratch.

You can also specify an app type with the --type flag. The available types are:

  • Static website
  • HTTP server
  • Browser shell (coming soon)

wasmer app get

This command is used to get the information about an app.


  • ident: The identifier of the app you want to get information about. This is an optional argument. If you do not provide an app identifier, it will automatically get that from your app.yaml file in your current directory. This is basically the name field in your app.yaml file.


  • --format: The format to use for the output. This defaults to yaml. Other options are json and text.
  • --token: The token to use for authentication. You can also use the WASMER_TOKEN environment variable. This defaults to the token in your ~/.wasmer/wasmer.toml file.
  • --verbose: Show verbose output.
  • --quiet: Do not print progress messages.
  • --color: Whether to use colored output. Defaults to auto. Possible values are auto, always, and never.
$ wasmer app get wasmer/app-1
Loaded app config from: /path/to/your/app.yaml
id: da_4X8AGot5YVP2
name: app-1
created_at: "2023-06-15T11:46:46.642510+00:00"
description: ~
  id: dav_3XwGTWtYue3X
  created_at: "2023-08-04T11:36:47.959492+00:00"
  version: v1
  description: ~
  yaml_config: "kind: wasmer.io/App.v1\nmeta:\n  description: ''\n  name: wasmer/app-1\nspec:\n  workload:\n    source: wasmer/app-1@0.34.1\n"
  user_yaml_config: "---\nkind: wasmer.io/App.v0\nname: app-1\napp_id: da_4X8AGot5YVP2\npackage: wasmer/app-1@0.34.1\n"
  config: "{\"kind\": \"wasmer.io/App.v1\", \"meta\": {\"description\": \"\", \"name\": \"wasmer/app-1\"}, \"spec\": {\"workload\": {\"source\": \"wasmer/app-1@0.34.1\"}}}"
  json_config: "{\"kind\": \"wasmer.io/App.v1\", \"meta\": {\"description\": \"\", \"name\": \"wasmer/app-1\"}, \"spec\": {\"workload\": {\"source\": \"wasmer/app-1@0.34.1\"}}}"
  url: "https://rp9hmipc5rz2.id.wasmer.app"
    id: da_4X8AGot5YVP2
admin_url: "https://wasmer.io/apps/wasmer/app-1"
  global_name: wasmer
url: "https://app-1.wasmer.app"
    has_next_page: false
    end_cursor: YXJyYXbjp25uNMN0aW9uOjA=
    - node:
        name: app-1
wasmer app info

This command is a less verbose version of wasmer app get. It will only show the app information that you might quickly need.


  • ident: The identifier of the app you want to get information about. This is an optional argument. If you do not provide an app identifier, it will automatically get that from your app.yaml file in your current directory. This is basically the name field in your app.yaml file.
$ wasmer app info wasmer/app-1
Loaded app config from: /path/to/your/app.yaml
App Info
> App Name: app-1
> App URL: https://app-1.wasmer.app
> Versioned URL: https://rp9hmipc5rz2.id.wasmer.app
> Admin dashboard: https://wasmer.io/apps/wasmer/app-1

wasmer app list

This command will list all the apps you have deployed.


  • --format: The format to use for the output. This defaults to table. Other options are json and text.
$ wasmer app list
| App                          | Version | Created                          | Id              |
|         wasmer/app-1         | v11     | 2023-03-01T16:43:19.828000+00:00 | da_DR9EIBt1**** |
|         wasmer/app-2         | v1      | 2023-05-19T16:05:44.461405+00:00 | da_onBBIbtX**** |
|         wasmer/app-3         | v15     | 2023-05-26T12:10:05.777287+00:00 | da_pKWgIvtQ**** |

wasmer deploy

This command is used to deploy an app. Running this command will automatically publish an app to the registry and then deploy it to the edge. Once you have an app.yaml file, you can deploy it with the following command:

$ wasmer deploy

For a complete guide on deploying an app, check the edge get started guide.


This is the help output from the Wasmer CLI for wasmer app --help:

Usage: wasmer app <COMMAND>
  get   Show an app
  list  List apps
  logs  Show an app
  init  Initialize apps with templates
  help  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
  -h, --help  Print help
  ~ wasmer app --help
Manage Wasmer Edge apps
Usage: wasmer app <COMMAND>
  get   Show an app
  list  List apps
  logs  Show an app
  init  Initialize apps with templates
  help  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
  -h, --help  Print help

This is the help output from the Wasmer CLI for wasmer deploy --help:

Usage: wasmer deploy [OPTIONS] [PATH]

          The path to a YAML file with the deploy config

      --token <TOKEN>
          [env: WASMER_TOKEN=]

      --registry <REGISTRY>

  -f, --format <FORMAT>
          Output format. (json, text)

          [default: yaml]

          Skip local schema validation

          Automatically publish the package referenced by this app.

          Only works if the corresponding wasmer.toml is in the same directory.

          Do not prompt for user input

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

The arguments for this command are:

  • --token: The token to use for authentication. You can also use the WASMER_TOKEN environment variable. This defaults to the token in your ~/.wasmer/wasmer.toml file.
  • --registry: The registry to use. This defaults to the active registry in your ~/.wasmer/wasmer.toml file.
  • --format: The format to use for the output. This defaults to yaml.
  • --no-validate: Skip local schema validation.
  • --publish-package: Automatically publish the package referenced by this app. Only works if the corresponding wasmer.toml is in the same directory.
  • --non-interactive: Do not prompt for user input.