
Wasmer Edge support channels


If you have concrete, actionable issues, please create a new issue in the wasmer-edge-support repository (opens in a new tab).

Questions, discussions, feature requests

If you have questions, want to start a general discussion, or suggest new features, please create a new discussion (opens in a new tab) in the wasmer-edge-support repository.

Private support

To get private support for topics that are not suitable for a public issue, you can join the Wasmer Discord (opens in a new tab) and ping anyone in the Wasmer team to chat. Note: This is a temporary support channel, only available during the private testing phase of Wasmer Edge. A more suitable venue for private support will be provided in the future.

Community chat

For more free-form discussions with the community, including Wasmer representatives, you can also join the Wasmer Discord (opens in a new tab). We have created the #wasmer-edge channel for discussions related to Wasmer Edge.