Wasmer JS

The Wasmer JavaScript SDK

The @wasmer/sdk package is Wasmer's SDK for JavaScript.

Some functionality supported by @wasmer/sdk:

  • Executing WebAssembly modules compiled to WASIX (opens in a new tab)
  • Includes full WASI support (filesystem access, environment variables, command-line arguments, etc.)
  • Running packages from the Wasmer registry
  • Mounting directories into a WASIX instance and communicating with it while the instance is running
  • Running multi-threaded WASIX programs
  • Spawning sub-processes using commands from the same package, side-loaded packages (uses), or arbitrary packages from the Wasmer registry using the virtual wasmer run command


First, add the @wasmer/sdk (opens in a new tab) to your project.

npm install -S @wasmer/sdk

We'll be running version 3.12 of the python/python

import { init, Wasmer } from "@wasmer/sdk";
await init();
const pkg = await Wasmer.fromRegistry("python/python@3.12");
const instance = await{
    args: ["-c", "print('Hello, World!')"],
const { code, stdout } = await instance.wait();
console.log(`Python exited with ${code}: ${stdout}`);

Breaking this down line-by-line...

Line 1 - imports the Wasmer class and init() function from the @wasmer/sdk package.

Line 3 - here, the init() function is called and awaited. This function must be called once before using any functionality from @wasmer/sdk It sets up the necessary environment for running WebAssembly modules and instantiates the WebAssembly runtime.

Line 5 - uses Wasmer.fromRegistry() to fetch the python/python@3.12 package from the Wasmer registry and load it into memory, alongside any dependencies it may have.

Line 6 - runs the python/python@3.12 package's entrypoint (the python command) with the arguments -c "print('Hello, World!") and gets an Instance which can be used to communicate with the running process.

Line 10 - waits until the python interpreter has exited, then extracts the code and stdout values from the output so they can be printed to the console on line 11.

What Next?

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