
Wasmer Pack Quickstart Guide

This guide walks you through creating, publishing, and using a simple library with Wasmer Pack, WAI, and WAPM.

Creating the Library

Create a new Rust project and add the wai-bindgen-rust crate as a dependency:

$ cargo new --lib quickstart
$ cd quickstart
$ cargo add wai-bindgen-rust

Create a WAI file to define the calculator interface:

// calculator.wai

/// Add two numbers.
add: func(a: float32, b: float32) -> float32

Implement the interface in Rust:

// src/lib.rs
struct Calculator;
impl crate::calculator::Calculator for Calculator {
    fn add(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32 { a + b }

Publishing the Library

Install wapm using the Wasmer installer (opens in a new tab):

$ curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sh

Next, install the cargo wapm (opens in a new tab) helper:

$ cargo install cargo-wapm

Log in to your WAPM account (opens in a new tab):

$ wapm login

Update Cargo.toml to configure the package for WAPM publication:

# Cargo.toml
namespace = "<YOUR_USERNAME>"
abi = "none"
bindings = { wai-version = "0.2.0", exports = "calculator.wai" }
crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

Publish the package:

$ cargo wapm

Using the Library


Create a new JavaScript project and add the calculator package:

$ yarn init --yes
$ wasmer add --yarn wai/tutorial-01

Import and use the package in your JavaScript code:

// index.js
import { bindings } from "wai/tutorial-01";
async function main() {
    const calculator = await bindings.calculator();
    console.log("2 + 2 =", calculator.add(2, 2));


Add the calculator package to your Python project:

$ wasmer add --pip wai/tutorial-01

Import and use the package in your Python code:

# main.py
from tutorial_01 import bindings
calculator = bindings.calculator()
print("2+2 = ", calculator.add(2.0, 2.0))


Congratulations, you have successfully completed the Wasmer Pack Quickstart Guide! In this tutorial, you learned how to:

  • Create a simple calculator library using Rust and WAI.
  • Implement the interface using Rust and wai-bindgen-rust.
  • Publish the library to WAPM.
  • Use the library in JavaScript and Python projects.

Now that you have a basic understanding of how to create, publish, and use a Wasmer Pack library, you can explore more advanced topics and features.

Here are some suggestions for further exploration:

  • Learn about more advanced WAI features, such as error handling and custom types.
  • Discover how to optimize your WebAssembly modules for performance and size.
  • Explore the Wasmer ecosystem (opens in a new tab) and learn about other Wasmer tools and libraries.
  • Create and publish more complex libraries, experimenting with different use cases and applications.

For more tutorials, guides, and resources, visit the Wasmer Pack documentation (opens in a new tab) and the Wasmer Pack GitHub repository (opens in a new tab). You can also join the Wasmer community (opens in a new tab) to ask questions, share your projects, and connect with other developers.

Good luck with your future projects, and happy coding!