Package Manifest

Wasmer Manifest (wasmer.toml)

The manifest file called wasmer.toml is required to publish to the Wasmer registry (opens in a new tab); This file contains the package's dependencies, metadata, and commands are declared.


If you want to get assistance creating the wasmer.toml file you can simply run wasmer init in your directory and the CLI will guide you!


Valid keys are:

  • name (string) required
  • version (semver version (opens in a new tab)) required: a valid Semantic Version.
  • description (string) required
  • license (spdx identifier (opens in a new tab)): can be MIT or GPL, for example.
  • license-file (path): an override for the license file path used in publishing. Left undefined, the LICENSE file will be implicitly included in the package.
  • readme (path)
  • repository (url)
  • homepage (url)
  • entrypoint (string): The command to use by default
name = "wasmer/wasm-pack"
version = "0.7.1"
description = "A code generator that lets you treat WebAssembly modules like native dependencies."
license = "MIT" # OR license-file = "./"
readme = "./"
repository = ""
homepage = ""
entrypoint = "wasmer-pack"
# ...


  • "<namespace>/<name>" = "<version>"
# ...
"sharrattj/coreutils" = "1.0.16"


  • name (string) required
  • source (path) required: path to the .wasm file
# ...
name = "wasmer-pack"
source = "./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/wasmer-pack.wasm"


Definitions used by Wasmer Pack (opens in a new tab) when generating bindings for this module.

  • wai-version (string) required: The version of WAI (opens in a new tab) being targeted (e.g. "0.2.0")
  • exports (string): The path to a *.wai file defining the interface exposed by the module
  • imports (string[]): A list of *.wai files defining functionality the host will provide to the module
name = "wasmer-pack"
wai-version = "0.2.0"
exports = "./wasmer-pack.wai"
imports = ["http-client.wai", "logging.wai"]


  • name required (string): the name of the command, invoked via wasmer run . --command=<command-name>
  • module required (string): the name of the module this command is running.
  • runner required (string): a URL or well-known name for the runner used to execute this command (e.g. "wasi", "wcgi", "emscripten")
  • annotations: free-form command metadata that will be passed through to the runner as-is

Note that the module may be either the name of a [[module]] in the current wasmer.toml, or it might come from a dependency. For example, module = "python/python:python" indicates the command uses the python module from the package's python/python dependency.

It is valid (and often preferrable) for a [command] and [module] to have the same name.

# ...
name = "wasmer-pack"
module = "wasmer-pack"
runner = "wasi"


Annotations specific to the WASI runner.

  • main-args (string[]): command-line arguments passed to a command on startup
  • env (string[]): a list of key=value environment variables passed through to the command on startup
name = "wasmer-pack"
main-args = ["--verbose"]
env = ["RUST_LOG=debug"]


  • dialect (string): the name of the CGI dialect being implemented. May be either "rfc-3875" (the default) or "wcgi".

The WCGI runner also respects the [command.annotations.wasi] annotations.

name = "wasmer-pack"
dialect = "wcgi"


  • main-args (string[]): command-line arguments passed in on startup
  • env (string[]): a list of key=value environment variables passed through to the instance on startup
name = "wasmer-pack"
main-args = ["--port=8080"]


  • "location/on/wasm"="location/on/publishing/machine": bundle local files into the package and make them available on the WASI filesystem
# ...
"/cpython" = "./build"
"/lib/python3.12" = "./lib"