Getting Started

Publish your first package

This page will guide you through installing Wasmer, and publishing a package to the Wasmer Registry.

Install Wasmer

Click here for instructions on how to install Wasmer if you haven't done it already!

Create an account

You can create an account directly via wasmer login or via the Wasmer website: (opens in a new tab)

Create a package

To create your first Wasmer pacakge simply run wasmer init.

This should have created a wasmer.toml file with contents similar to:

name = '<your-user>/<package>'
version = '0.1.0'
description = 'Description for package'
name = '<your-module>'
source = 'target/release/<your-module>.wasm'
runner = 'wasi'
name = '<your-module>'
module = '<your-module>'

You can check the manifest format here: Wasmer Package Manifest.

The wasmer.toml file is in the Wasmer ecosystem what a package.json is in the Node ecosystem, or pyproject.toml in the Python ecosystem.

Once you have a wasmer.toml manifest, you can simply execute wasmer run in the CLI to run your package locally.

wasmer run . --command=<your-module>

Build your package

Now, create your WebAssembly modules:

cargo install cargo-wasix
cargo wasix build --release

Modify the wasmer.toml to point the module to the wasm file location target/release/<your-module>.wasm.

Publish your package

Now, simply run:

wasmer publish

This command will publish your package to the Wasmer Registry (opens in a new tab), so it can be used anywhere.